For the love of ampersand
Without question the ampersand is my absolute favorite ligature. The ampersand can be traced back to the 1st century A.D. and is a written contraction of “et,” the Latin word for “and.” Its shape has evolved continuously since its introduction, and while some ampersands are still manifestly e-t ligatures, others merely hint at this origin, sometimes in very oblique ways.
Want to know more? Go to Hoefler & Co for the full and glorious ampersand story.
Indispensable or irreplaceable
There are 1,000 other high schools, and each one has a vice principal who isn’t you.
No, you’re not irreplaceable.
No one is, not really.
But if we work at it, we might become indispensable.
The linchpin, someone who would be missed if they were gone.
Photo by Andrea Lightfoot on Unsplash
Something more
I want something more concise, more simple, more serious; I want more soul and more love and more heart.
– Vincent van Gogh
Photo by Angela Compagnone on Unsplas
The Circle (a short film)
Created by Six N. Five, this hypnotic, beautiful short film is now part of the Moco Museum collection and is scheduled to be exhibited in Amsterdam and Barcelona.
Expertise vs Attitude
I absolutely agree with Seth Godin when he says:
Hire for attitude and train for expertise.
The actual differentiator in just about every job is attitude. From plumbers to carpenters to radiologists to pharmacists, someone with extraordinary soft skills (honesty, commitment, compassion, resilience, enrollment in the journey, empathy, willingness to be coached… the real skills that we actually care about) is going to outperform.
Read the full article here >
Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash
Oh sure there is Wordle…
Oh sure there is Wordle. But it is a one-and-done experience. I spent my entire morning playing this history-timeline game and I am not sorry. In fact I feel smugly smarter. Deceptively simple, completely addicting. I dare you to not love it.